Jill Townsend Big Band

contemporary big band from Vancouver BC
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Jill Townsend Big Band

This contemporary big band swings hard with seventeen of Vancouver's finest jazz musicians. Brilliant solos and beautiful ensemble work combine to make it one of the most exciting big bands on the west coast jazz scene today Their new CD "tales from the sea" is receiving high praise both in Canada and Europe.

Featured soloists include Campbell Ryga (alto), Bill Coon (guitar), Brad Turner (trpt), Ross Taggart (tenor), Dennis Esson (trb), Dave Robbins (drums), Rod Murray (trb), and Jack Stafford (alto). The unique and dynamic sound of the band is also created by the repertoire, featuring compositions and arrangements by Jill Townsend, Bill Coon and Brad Turner.

The Band
Jill Townsend - leader
Campbell Ryga-alto
Jack Stafford-alto
Ross Taggart-tenor
Chris Startup -tenor
Chad Makela-bari

Dennis Esson-trb
Rod Murray-trb
Jeremy Berkman-trb
Neil Nicholson -bs trb
Derry Byrne-trpt
Brad Turner-trpt
Tom Shorthouse-trpt
Kent Wallace-trpt
Bill Coon - guitar
Jodi Proznick-bass
Dave Robbins - drums
Broken Up

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