
80's hits, done right! from Vancouver BC



since circa 1981
Starting with the first Roland 808 drum machine sold in Western Canada in 1981, 3D quickly rose to the top of the club scene, drawing big crowds to venues such as Outlaws, Club Soda, Frams, Whispers, and many other now-defunct clubs. After coming close to signing a record deal with Capitol, and recording an EP with Randy Bachman as producer, the band broke up in 1984 due to an argument about who smoked the last joint in the band's stash.
After years of bitter acrimony, the band re-formed for a one-off show in 2010 after it was discovered that it was in fact the sound man who nicked the last joint. The show was so successful, that the band has decided to soldier on, faithfully and proudly playing the hits from what was arguably the worst decade for popular music in the last century.

3D on You Tube
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20:00 12:00

Current Lineup

Rob Bailey
Bass/Keyboards/Chapman Stick/Vocals
1981 - present
Ross Friesen
1981 - present
Terry Gibbard
1981 - present

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