Profile Image: Doug & The Slugs

Doug & The Slugs

from Vancouver BC


Doug & The Slugs

since circa 1977
A Vancouver based rock band, first formed in 1977. They are best known for the Canadian top 40 hits "Too Bad" (1980), "Making It Work" (1983) and "Tomcat Prowl" (1988). In the early nineties many of the original members left the group, but namesake Doug Bennett continued touring with different musicians under the same name until his death in 2004. After a gap of several years, the original Slugs (Baker, Bosley, Burton, Kendall, and Watson) reunited in 2009 and invited singer Ted Okos to be their new frontman. The group still performs live dates as Doug & The Slugs, although there is now no one named Doug in the band.
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Current Lineup

John Burton
1977 - present
Richard Baker "Rick Baker"
1978 - present
John Watson
1978 - present
Simon Kendall
1978 - present
Steve Bosley
1978 - present
Ted Okos
Lead Vocals
2009 - present

Past Members

Doug Bennett
Lead Vocals
1977 - 2004
Ross Nunan
Monitor Engineer
1982 - 1984
Tony Poulsen

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