Profile Image: butterswitch


Albacore from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2015
butterswitch is a schizophrenic, instrumental catharsis of Allan Heppner's aptitudinal affinity to irreverancy and the obscure.

Allan's ideas for a "weird instrumental project" began in 2007 but remained dormant until early 2015 where it "just felt right" to let the ideas come to fruition.

also "quotations"

The debut EP will be the first in a series called "The Chronicles of Quiimchj" that documents the character's various adventures and misadventures. Aside from the series of EPs, a few standard full length albums have been planned, as well as series of train of thought, improvisational/experimental albums called "A Spare Mints"
Un-Available: Writing/Recording

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Allan Heppner
Guitar/Drums, Composition
2015 - present

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