Blank Slate

rock / blues / folk from Victoria BC
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Blank Slate

since circa 2005
Gord Phillips - Guitars, Vocals
Todd Nathorst - Drums, Vocals
Paul Wagorn - Bass

Check out our set @ sugar:

Blending thoughtful lyrics with energetic grooves, Blank Slate's unique blend of rock, folk and blues is both powerful and melodic. Since 2004 they have honed their original material into an innovative sound with a refreshing versatility.

Gord, Todd and Paul are all experienced musicians who have come from various award-winning bands on Vancouver Island. Together, their musical voices represent an innovative, dynamic sound that is both relevant and important.

They will continue their quest for world domination, playing and connecting with fans through 2006 and beyond. With talent, charm and the ability to entertain a crowd, Blank Slate leaves little doubt that it has the chemistry for success.

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11:15 00:00

Current Lineup

Todd Nathorst
2004 - present
pp ppp
2005 - present

Past Members

Gord Phillips "Guitar Gord"
2004 - 2007

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