Shiny Thing

with some jazz in there from Vancouver BC
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Shiny Thing

since circa 2002
frot·tage (n)
1. the obtaining of sexual pleasure by rubbing the clothed body against that of others, usually strangers in crowded places

The duo released their first album CRAZY PILLS in 2004, an eclectic mix of catchy songs that journeys through indie pop, break-beat and chilled trip-hop grooves. Songs from CRAZY PILLS have since featured on both international TV and Radio all to fantastic critical acclaim.

A wedding, four house moves and another band name change later Jo and Sandor have returned to Canada for good as ‘SHINY THING’, where they plan to continue their quest for musical world domination. (After Sandor has finished renovating the basement).

Shiny Thing are anything from a voluptuous acoustic duo to a full band. Their style is experimental yet accessible. Jo’s vocals provoke, ranging from the harsh to the tender, and Sandor creates a rich, juicy sound on guitar. Shiny Thing have a strong appeal to the emotions and the senses with their dramatic yet romantic style. They’ll be on high rotation on your player.
Continuing Under New Name

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Last Lineup

Jo Cairns
vocals, guitar, piano
2002 - Name Change
Sandor Gyurkovics
guitar, noises, vocals
2002 - Name Change
Erin Sharpe
Drums/ percussion
2006 - Name Change
Andrew Newton
2008 - Name Change

Past Members

Colin Cowan

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