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Photo by Darren Ho
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Live from the Swamp: Downtown Mischief, Babyface Brass @ The Swamp Aug 30 2020

Calvin Parker

Rock / Funk / R&B / Metal from Victoria BC
Age: 35 (estimated)
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Calvin Parker
"Calvin James"

Instruments: Bass, Guitar details
Calvin has been playing bass for 9 years. A quick learner, Calvin joined the prestigous Victoria High Rhythm & Blues Band in 2004 and played with them until 2007. This gig lead to perfomances with the Midnights, a popular local R&B band, and also tech jobs with Shortt Sound.

Following a year at Selkirk College to study music, Calvin has kept busy playing with Soul Funkable, his Funk/R&B/Dance cover group. He also teaches bass guitar at Tom Lee Music.

I am currently only looking for serious projects, thanks!

Would like to continue supporting his group, Soul Funkable

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Soul Funkable
2008 - The End

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