Profile Image: 64 Funnycars

64 Funnycars

Rootsy powerpop from Vancouver BC
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64 Funnycars

Label: none
since circa 1987
Reunited and it feels so good! Originally from Victoria, 64 Funnycars' rootsy power pop made an impact in the 80s and 90s, with their "Happy Go Lucky" album hitting the Top Ten on the Canadian national campus radio charts and a number of cross-country tours. All four original members now live in Vancouver and play in other bands including China Syndrome, Polly, SWANK and Pill Squad. Their return has been welcomed by old and new fans alike, playing shows at the Railway Club, Logan's Pub in Victoria, the WISE Hall and the Fairview Pub.
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Current Lineup

Eric Lowe
Drums, Vocals
1987 - present
Tim Chan
1987 - present
Eric Cottrell
1987 - present
Colin Macrea
1987 - present

Past Members

Robin Platts
1989 - 1992
Chuck Simms
1990 - 1992

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