from Oakville Ontario
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since circa 2002
Originally formed as a trio in 2002, A Dying Race has grown into a 5 piece melodic hardcore monster, playing over 300 shows, and cementing their reputation as one of Canada’s premier punk acts. With a down to earth, no B.S. attitude, A Dying Race has taken hard work to a whole new realm. Carefully crafting their new album “Escaping the Fate” into a hardcore/punk masterpiece, they show no sign of letting up, with extensive touring planned for 2007. Describing their own music as “Blue Collar”, A Dying Race is never a band to shy away from their punk rock roots. Their music is in your face and raw, but never losing its catchiness or melody. Lead Singer Jim seamlessly switches from melodic punk rock vocals, to extreme hardcore vocals on a dime, keeping the songs flowing and interesting. A Dying Race is taking over.

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2002 - present
Unlinked Musician
2002 - present
Unlinked Musician
2002 - present
Unlinked Musician
2002 - present
Unlinked Musician
2002 - present

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