Aeroplane Trio

experimental or whatever from Vancouver BC
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Aeroplane Trio

Label: Drip Audio
since circa 2001
Formed in 2001 by Vancouver-based trumpeter JP Carter, the Aeroplane Trio use a conventional acoustic jazz setting as a platform for their improvisations and compositions. Twisting and contorting their instruments, nothing is sacred in creating the trio's unique sound. Carter, along with bassist Russell Sholberg and drummer Skye Brooks, have found a common sensibility; they make music both delicate and combustable, strange and beautiful. Naranja Ha is the first commercial release by the Aeroplane Trio, and represents over eight years of music making. The double-disc package contains the CD "Naranja Ha", a full-length studio recording that documents the trio's diverse blend of original composition and free improvisation. In addition, there's also a DVD featuring a full-length concert video,"Live at Ironworks", and a mini-documentary, "Getting to Naranja Ha", detailing the Aeroplane Trio's creative process through interviews, as well as concert, rehearsal and studio footage.

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JP Carter
Skye Brooks

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