Profile Image: Andre's Last Chance

Andre's Last Chance

All-Girl Punk from Victoria BC
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Andre's Last Chance

circa 1999 - circa 2002
Based on Canadas west coast,these 3 young ladies combine speed, melody,energy and emotion to create a sound that is distinctly their own. Andres Last Chance came together in the winter of '99 and in this relatively short amount of time they have written an excellent batch of songs,played plenty of shows,and recorded a couple demos. Check ALC out live-they claim to be firm believers in the tradition of "holding back nothing" when it comes to music, and apparently this is true, judging by the amazing energy they exhibit at live shows.
Broken Up

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Past Members

Jessie Snow
Drums, Vocals
1999 - 2002
Leigh Pharis
1999 - 2002
Amy Choy
1999 - 2002
Christa Reynolds
1999 - 2001

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