Roger Dean Young & the Tin Cup

from Vancouver BC
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Roger Dean Young & the Tin Cup

A prairie boy with an ear for the sparse and quiet sounds, a penchant for occasional dissonance and a hunch that there's always something else goin' on. Roger Dean Young was raised on a farm in Alberta and tried politics in Ottawa, teaching in Morniningside, eavestroughing in Red Deer, and coppersmithing in Port Moody, before settling with his guitars near Main Street in Vancouver.

Though prepared to perform solo, Young prefers to bring along the tin cup, a drop-in, mish-mash of fiddle, banjo, effected guitar, and lowing horns. Featuring guest appearances by, among others, Rebecca Till, Pellucid and the Be Good Tanyas' Samantha Parton.
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20:00 22:00
21:00 11:30

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