Profile Image: The Living

The Living

Exotic Symphonic Rock from Vancouver BC
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The Living

since circa 2007
Violin fireworks. Lush string textures. Colossal walls of sound.

Half string trio, half rock trio, The Living fuses classical chamber music sounds with rock, funk and splashes of gypsy, jazz, and Latin.

Fresh out of UBC School of Music and bored with most mainstream musical offerings, composer Mike Bell formed The Living with violinist Elyse Jacobson in 2006. Their goal: to bridge the gap between Western art music and popular styles, mixing traditional rock instrumentation with classical instruments.

The Living released EPs in 2007 and 2009, and released their first full-length album in 2012. Recent performance highlights in 2015 include opening for Bif Naked in Vancouver, and playing to a crowd of 3,000 at the Vancouver International Jazz Festival, backed by the 40-person Plastic Acid Orchestra. The group will be releasing a new EP in the spring of 2016, and are planning a tour for the summer of 2016.
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Current Lineup

Mike Bell
Lead vocals, guitar, keys
2007 - present
Elyse Jacobson
Violin, vocals
2007 - present
2007 - present
David Spidel "dSpi!"
Bass, vocals
2010 - present
John Kastelic
Viola, vocals
2011 - present
Doug Gorkoff
2011 - present

Past Members

Jason Nett
Guitar, vocals
2007 - 2009
Jeremy Harrison
Bass, vocals
2007 - 2009
Chris Warunki
2007 - 2008
Alyssa Stevenson
2007 - 2009
Meg Todd
Lead vocals
2007 - 2008
Dan Pennell
Kyle Shepard
Percussion, vocal FX
2007 - 2008
Ali Siadat
2008 - 2009

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