Profile Image: Crosstown Bus

Crosstown Bus

from Vancouver BC
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Crosstown Bus

circa 1970 - circa 1974
Photo credit Harley Cassan
​Crosstown Bus was a rock band originally from Nelson, British Columbia formed in the late 1960s and disbanded in 1974. Original lineup was Jeff Boyne (lead guitar and vocals), Rob Sommerville (keyboards), Frank Ludwig (keyboards, vocals), Roger Henthorne (bass), and Mike Killeen (drums). Henthorne was replaced on bass by Brian Anderson shortly after signing with MCA. The band saw many lineup changes through its short existence: Boyne left and was replaced on lead guitar and vocals by Blair Thornton who was later replaced by Jim Grant; Ludwig left and was replaced by Bobby Blow on keys; Killeen left and was replaced on drums by Dave Jonsson then Nick Dokter.
Released one album and single on MCA Records
LP: "Crosstown Bus"
Single: "High Grass"
Broken Up

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Past Members

Brian Anderson
1970 - 1974
Bobby Blow
1970 - 1974
Jeff Boyne
Lead Vocals/Guitar
1970 - 1974
Nick Dokter
1970 - 1974
Jim Grant
1970 - 1974
Bob Heron
1970 - 1974
Dave Jonsson
1970 - 1974
Mike Kileen
1970 - 1974
Frank Ludwig
1970 - 1974
Rob Sommerville
1970 - 1974
Blair Thornton
1970 - 1974

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