Profile Image: Ironhorse


from Vancouver BC
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circa 1979 - circa 1980
Ironhorse was a Canadian rock band from Vancouver, formed by Randy Bachman, the former The Guess Who and Bachman-Turner Overdrive guitarist and singer, along with Tom Sparks (vocals, guitars), Chris Leighton (drums) and Ron Foos (bass).
They had a minor U.S. hit single in April 1979 with "Sweet Lui-Louise", which peaked at #36 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. In Canada, the song peaked slightly higher at #26. The same track reached #60 in the UK Singles Chart. Ironhorse released two albums on the Scotti Brothers label: 1979's Ironhorse and 1980's Everything is Grey. The second release had Frank Ludwig (ex-Trooper) replacing Sparks. One of its singles, "What's Your Hurry Darlin'," peaked at #84 in Canada. In the U.S., the song peaked at #89 in May 1980.
Foos left to rejoin Paul Revere and the Raiders. In 1980, Ironhorse disbanded, with members forming Union with former Bachman-Turner Overdrive band-mate Fred Turner. Union put out one album On Strike on the CBS subsidiary Portrait Records. As of May, 2013, Randy Bachman has been able to secure the rights to the two Ironhorse albums. * Wikipedia


Title (Format) Label Cat# Country Year

Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album, Pre) Scotti Bros. Records SB 7103 US 1979
Ironhorse ‎(Cass, Album) Scotti Bros. Records CS 7103 US 1979
Ironhorse ‎(Cass, Album) Scotti Bros. Records 450 598 France 1979
Ironhorse ‎(Cass, Album) Scotti Bros. Records CS 7103 Canada 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album) Scotti Brothers SB 50 598 France 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album) Scotti Bros. Records, Scotti Bros. Records SB 50 598, SB 7103 Netherlands 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album) Scotti Bros. Records, Scotti Bros. Records K 50598, SB 7103 UK 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album) Scotti Bros. Records W 50598 Italy 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album) Scotti Bros. Records SB 50 598 (SB 7103) US 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album) Scotti Bros. Records, Scotti Bros. Records SB 50598, SB 7103 Germany 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album) Atlantic 30.103 Brazil 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album) Atlantic, Scotti Bros. Records ATC 9725 South Africa 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album) Scotti Bros. Records, Warner Communications Inc. SB-7103 Australia 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album) Scotti Bros. Records SB 7103 Canada 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album) Scotti Bros. Records GWEA-5350 Mexico 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album) Scotti Bros. Records S 90.129 Spain 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album, Mon) Scotti Bros. Records SB 7103 US 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album, PRC) Scotti Bros. Records SB 7103 US 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album, Promo) Scotti Bros. Records P-10678A Japan 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album, Promo) Scotti Bros. Records W 50598 Italy 1979
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album, TP, W/Lbl) Scotti Bros. Records K 50598 UK 1979
Ironhorse ‎(CD, Album, RE, Unofficial) Dogtoire DGTR010902 Russia 2010
Ironhorse ‎(CD, Album, RE) Great Barrier Records GBR 55006 Australia 2016
Ironhorse ‎(LP, Album, RE) Scotti Bros. Records 26 14 003 Germany
Broken Up

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Past Members

Randy Bachman
1979 - 1980
Tom Sparks
1979 - 1980
John Pierce
Mike Baird
Frank Ludwig
Ron Foos
Chris Leighton

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