Profile Image: Simon & Garfunkel - A Musical Celebration

Simon & Garfunkel - A Musical Celebration

from Vancouver BC
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Simon & Garfunkel - A Musical Celebration

since circa 2016
The remarkable sounds of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel
This 90 minute concert features the classics ‘The Sound of Silence’, ‘Mrs. Robinson’, ‘The Boxer’ and Michael & Mick’s beautiful rendition of the unforgettable ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ plus many, many more of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel’s greatest songs and hits.

The show diversifies with selections from Simon & Garfunkel’s early influences as well as music from both Paul & Art’s solo careers.

This concert is a must see for any music lover. You will experience a complete theatrical production with beautiful imagery and intimate performances.
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Mick Dalla-Vee
Dalla-Vee (guitar/vocals)
2016 - 2021

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