Candy...It Ain't Always Sweet

Goth Metal,Performance Art, HardCore SoftPorn from Victoria BC
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Candy...It Ain't Always Sweet

since circa 1996
A Goth, Metal, Original, Performance Art , Gore, Glam Rock, Horror Show that is not for all viewers...
"Yes, We have tricks in our pockets, We have things up our sleeves. But WE are the opposite of the stage magician. They (most other performances and artists) give you illusions that have the appearance of truth. We (Candy) give you the truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion." (T.Williams The Glass Menagerie)
An In Your Face Production
Brought to you by
Mistress of the Dark
Ms. Pussy L'Amour
This is more than music, this is more than theatre, this is more than your stomach can take...Gwar...seems so spinal tappish compared to the reality that Candy brings to the chopping block, Alice Cooper, The Torture King they wont eat their hearts out...Candy will eat their hearts out for them. Think we're kidding... prepare yourself for her return...Her odious performances and dark twist on music will be returning to VIctoria. She is waiting for you behind the latex curtain. Licking her canine teeth, knowing that what she brings will have you mortified, shocked and wishing your old nightmares would return. Now it will be SHE'Ol that will torment you in your little death...NOW let your imaginations run wild. You cant even begin to visualize what terrors SHE'OL will WHIP up next....listen to the whispers around town as those who have been inflicted merely by her name alone retell the tales of herstory...
Un-Available: Writing/Recording

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