Augusta Trio

Folk Fusion / Alternative from Vancouver BC
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Augusta Trio

Label: Independant
since circa 1990
AUGUSTA TRIO - The Augusta Trio fuses acoustic simplicity with creatively rhythmic and melodic play to create their folk-jazz sound. Karen Augusta is a musician of three-octave vocals and fluid guitar, piano, and flute fingers. Jason Dionne (bass) and Allan Dionne (drums) have collaborated with her on three recordings to date, with each player bringing a distinct, dynamic voice to their performances. "Augusta's synergy and musicality stirred me emotionally, as true art should do." - Daniel Adair (Nickelback)
Un-Available: Writing/Recording

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Current Lineup

Karen Augusta
vocals, guitar, flute, keyboards, percussion
Jason Dionne
bass, bass pedals, vocals, percussion
1990 - present
Allan Dionne
drums, percussion, accordion
1991 - present

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