Classis Rock from Vancouver BC
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other sites: myspace



since circa 2011
One thing can be said about Aviator Shades: they know what makes great rock and roll.

It's in the infectious, sing-along choruses. The crunching, hook-filled riffs. The rock solid rhythms that never fail to shake your hips or bang your head. An intense dynamo of a live show, wherein all members exude all energy to the enjoyment of the crowd, only to have it enthusiastically returned back. This is not the music of THIS generation; it is the music of EVERY generation.

The rise of Aviator Shades is much like the story of any legendary Rock and Roll band. Born out of the musical passion and talent of singer/bassist Dave Gorman, his drive would lead him to relocate from his native Ireland, to the shores of Western Canada. While still being able to perform with working, yet ultimately temporary, line-ups, the first step towards a concrete group was taken with the acquisition of Jesse Waldron to fill the drum throne. The two undertook endless guitar auditions, finally finding the perfect pair in George Baker and Shaun Michael Thackeray. Although they had never met, the undeniable, perhaps eerie, chemistry of Baker and Thackeray melded perfectly with the thundering rhythms of Gorman and Waldron. Continuous rehearsals and gigs developed the four into an explosive, honed powerhouse.

With the grounding of a solid, determined line-up, a blossoming collaborative spirit, and continuously accelerating momentum, Aviator Shades is set to attack 2013 in a big way. Their ever-expanding audience, and timeless, empowering sound drive home the indisputable fact: they know what makes great Rock and Roll. More importantly, though, they LIVE to make it.
other sites: myspace

Community Events

Current Lineup

David Gorman
Lead Vox/Bass
2011 - present
George Baker
Lead Guitar
2011 - present
Shaun Thackeray
Lead Guitar
2011 - present
Jesse Waldron
2011 - present

Past Members

Shaun Yaworenko
? - 2010
Devin McManus
Lead Guitar/Vocals
2010 - 2011
Taylor Duquette
2010 - 2011

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