Barry Guy New Orchestra

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Barry Guy New Orchestra

This major international project brings together some of the biggest names in the world of contemporary jazz and improvisation from the U.S., England, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, and Germany: Evan Parker, Hans Koch saxophones, Mats Gustafsson woodwinds, Johannes Bauer trombone, Herb Robertson trumpet, Agusti Fernández piano, Paul Lytton, Raymond Strid drums, Per Ake Holmlander tuba. Steering this extraordinary ensemble is renowned British bassist and composer Barry Guy, one of very few innovative bassists who perform contemporary classical music for solo double bass. He is also a virtuoso improviser whose extended technique is without equal. Guy’s concert- works for chamber orchestras, chamber groups, and soloists have been widely performed, and his skillful and inventive writing has created some exceptional compositions. BGNO has released two phenomenal discs on Intakt: Inscape–Tableaux and Oort Entropy. The program for the first night includes a Mats Gustafsson/Agusti Fernández duo, an Evan Parker composition for ensemble called Vosteen, followed by a Herb Robertson piece, Elaboration. The second night opens with a brass trio (Robertson/Bauer/Holmlander), followed by a short bass solo, which leads into Guy’s composition Study. The last piece is Oort-Entropy. Some of the great spinoffs from this band include the Barry Guy/Maya Homburger duo, Improv Power Play, and Parker/Guy/Lytton/Fernandez.

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Current Lineup

Barry Guy
Evan Parker
Hans Koch
Mats Gustafsson
Johannes Bauer
Herb Robertson
Paul Lytton

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