Profile Image: Billy Dixon

Billy Dixon

from Vancouver BC
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Billy Dixon

Instruments: Vocals details
Billy's Bio

"The Man Is Back"... his name is Billy Dixon. Billy was born in Vancouver B.C. At the age of four the family moved to St. Louis, Missouri, where at the age of ten, Billy started singing in a gospel group. At age 15 he moved back to Vancouver and continued his singing career. His first group was the Vancouver Shades. Other groups included the Chimes, Upbeats and the Billy Dixon gang. The various groups traveled across Canada performing.

In the 60's Billy performed with the Night Train Revue... Vancouver's #1 R&B band at the time. In the 70's he formed a Big Horn band called New Breed which became very popular in the city. Then came the Disco invasion! Billy got himself a 9 to 5 job but kept his interest in music by doing occasional gigs such as the Arts Club, Commodore, Richards On Richards, the Fairview and the Yale.

In May, 1986 Billy returned to his music full-time. He reunited with the Night Train Revue at Club Soda for an Expo tribute to Vancouver's rock classics. In June, 1986, he again performed with the Night Train Revue at the celebration of Dance Party's 20th Anniversary. And, he is still a member of the Night Train Revue performing at today's ever popular retro parties throughout the city. He also performs as a freelance guest artist with local personalities and has worked with local celebrities such as Sibil Thrasher, Lovi Eli and Lovena Fox.

Billy is indeed the consummate entertainer... His current band is called the "Soul Train Express" and contains many of Vancouver's premium musicians.

"The man is back... and right on track."
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22:00 14:00
22:00 14:00

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Past Projects

The New Breed
1966 - 1978
Lead Vocals
1963 - 1968

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