Bughouse Five

Roots Rock n Roll from Vancouver BC
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Bughouse Five

since circa 1991
BUGHOUSE FIVE was formed in September, 1991 by the members of several of Vancouver's most notorious bands; The Nervous Fellas, The Rocking Edsels and Art Bergman, to name a few. Fronted by the charismatic Butch "Big Boy" Murphy and backed up by the rock solid drumming of Taylor Little, the band quickly earned a name as one of the hardest working, most entertaining Roots rock bands around. Their three early releases on East Side Records, Solid and Dark Days Passing and Everything Must Go!, gave evidence of strong songwriting and cool musicianship that are Bughouse Five's hallmark to this day. The Bughouse Five continued playing The west coast of The U.S. and recorded two more albums Bull Mercury In 2000 and 24 Hour Charlie on Northern Electric sound recordings.The lineup features Joe Rotundo who has been in the band for 8 years and Mike Kennedy on bass who has been in the band for 3 years.The occasional fifth member has been guitarist keyboard player Mike Kenney who plays with Joe in the acclaimed surf/country rock band The Modelos.Bughouse Five continues to mix their influences of rockabilly Blues country Tex mex and warts and all Rock and Roll delivered with the recklessness of old school punk.
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22:00 02:00
22:00 14:00
22:00 14:00
22:00 14:00
22:00 14:00

Current Lineup

Joe Rotundo
Mike Kenney
Organ, Accordian,Guitar
M. Kennedy
1991 - present

Past Members

Kevin Grant
? - 200

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