Chocolate Covered Nipples

Jazz - Funk - 50's Rock n' Roll - Swing Music from Vancouver BC
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Chocolate Covered Nipples

since circa 2004
Chocolate Covered Nipples was concived on a warm summer evening of 2004. Although the idea had been lingering in the back of both Adam and Deniz's minds for just about as long as they have known eachother, they were waiting for just one crusial ingreadiant to get things started.

Meanwhile John, a drummer was happily hitting his drums for the band Glorious Janitors while thinking back to the long hours spent playing with his previous jazz band. longing for the laid back rhythms of swing and jazz. Little did he know of the changes about to happen.

When Finaly at a dinner party that John and both Deniz and Adam were in attendance, the idea was exposed. John was hesitant about joining because of his comitments to the Glorious Janitors and decided he would wait to find out what the future had in store. Numbers were exchanged and they continued on their own ways.

In the december of 2003 Adam stummbled across a new coffee shop in town, where an idea was forming. With open mics all the time and a special night designated to one of our favorite forms of music, blues. Both Adam and Deniz started playing with the other musicians who had the same fire fuming inside and soon became regular Sunday night jammers. Breaking the silence of the night with

their notes and lyrics, it was not long before the two of them started toying with their idea once again.

Then, miracualusly John called Adam to ask if they were still in need of a drummer and instantly the Chocolate Covered Nipples came into formation. With Deniz MErdanogullari on the guitar-vocals, Adam de Goede on the bass and life saver John Yoo on the drums, the Chocolate Covered Nipples were on their way.
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

2004 - The End
The Wizzard
Drums/Back-Up Vocals
2004 - The End

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