Profile Image: Cookeilidh


Celtic from Victoria BC
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other sites: cookeilidh



Label: Independent
since 2007
Cookeilidh has been delighting audiences for over 12 years with their high energy traditional, and modernized Celtic tunes. Comprised of 12-string guitar, electric bass, Irish flute, fiddle, bodhran, and vocals, they weave their own special blend of Trad with Attitude, Celtic Craic, and Pot O' Gold Folk!
Their Celtic Christmas concerts have become very popular as well, with sold out performances year after year.
Blending the tunes of Ireland and Scotland, with a heaping spoonful of Maritime flavour, and a dash of Folk, is their recipe for a modern day kitchen party!
Available for Shows/Gigs
other sites: cookeilidh

Community Events

Current Lineup

Dave Cook
Acoustic 12 String Guitar & Vocals
2006 - present
Woody Wilson
Irish Wooden Flute, Bodhran, & Bones
2006 - present
Tom Pogson
Fretless Bass, Acoustic Bass & Vocals
2006 - present
Kim Cook
2006 - present

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