Eleanor Rising

Rock from Vancouver BC
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Eleanor Rising

since circa 2011
Eleanor Rising is a rock band based out of British Columbia, Canada. Members are:
Luiscifer (bass/backup vocals)
Ryan James (guitar)
Mallari (lead vocals)
Kevin McNabb (drums)

It was literally within weeks of their initial meeting on September 27, 2011 that Luiscifer, Ryan James, and Mallari formed this group. Everything clicked right from the start from their traditional rock roots to their similar goal driven plans that seem to all fit so neatly together. In between the writing and recording sessions, the band spent months auditioning drummers. In May 2012, the band met Kevin McNabb and things fell into place.
Eleanor Rising’s sound has an equal balance of drums, bass and vocals with plenty of layered and catchy riffs to top it all off.
For their 5-song Digital EP (released in March, 2012), Eleanor Rising teamed up with fellow musician and friend Doug Fury (of Scatterheart and Bif Naked fame). Their songs vary from the commercially appealing “Sorry” and “The Game”
to the dark and haunting “All Falls Down” to the up-tempo, guitar driven “The Siren’s Song” and “Discord of the Fallen”.
Eleanor Rising is just has just finished recording a full length album set to release in early 2013. Their hope is to infiltrate radio and inject themselves into the ears of audience members one song at a time.
You can listen to and/or purchase their songs by logging onto the following websites:
www.twitter.com @ EleanorRising
www.promofm.com (Search: EleanorRising)
Eleanor Rising is currently working with A & R Select based in Beverly Hills, Ca. for licensing, publishing, a record deal and/or placement opportunities. For additional information, please contact them at:323-924-5897

or directly at:


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Current Lineup

Unlinked Musician
bass/backup vocals
2011 - present
Ryan James
2011 - present
Unlinked Musician
lead vocals
2011 - present
Kevin McNabb
2011 - present

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