
symphonic metal from Netherlands
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since circa 2002
Epica is a Dutch symphonic metal band founded by guitarist and vocalist Mark Jansen subsequent to his departure from After Forever. They are known for their symphonic[1] sound and the use of female vocals and male growls performed by Simone Simons and Mark Jansen, respectively. All six members write the music, but Mark Jansen and Simone Simons write most of the lyrics,[citation needed] which largely deal with philosophical topics, including science, religion, and world events. To date, Epica has released five studio albums (not including their instrumental album The Score – An Epic Journey), with their most recent studio album, Requiem for the Indifferent, released on March 9, 2012.
other sites: last | spotifyplaylists

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Current Lineup

Mark Jansen
rhythm guitar, grunts, screams
2002 - present
Coen Janssen
synthesizer, piano
2002 - present
Simone Simons
lead vocals
2003 - present
Ariën van Weesenbeek
drums, grunts, spoken words
2007 - present
Isaac Delahaye
lead guitar, backing vocals
2009 - present
Rob van der Loo
2012 - present

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