
Pop Punk from Vancouver BC
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Label: Nettwerk
Vancouver's gob has come a long way since it's conception in 1993. Comprised of Tom (guitar/vocals), Theo (guitar/vocals), Craig (bass), and Gabe (drums), the band released a self-titled EP in 1994, a couple of 7" singles and the full-length, 'Too Late... No Friends' in June 1995. This was followed by 'Ass Seen on TV' (a two-album single disc which also featured Another Joe) had in 1997 and the 1999 hit record, 'How Far Shallow Takes You'. gob has just released its latest album, 'The World According To gob' on Nettwerk, which it will be touring North America in support of in late 2000 and right into the new year. The band has toured with the Van's Warped Tour several times, and Canada's Edgefest, and has criss-crossed both Canada and the States several times for touring.
Broken Up

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Past Events

Last Lineup

Theo Goutzinakis
1993 - The End
Tom Thacker
1993 - The End
Patrick Paszana
1994 - The End
Gabe Mantle
1997 - The End

Past Members

Kelly Macauley
Jamie Jak
Craig Wood
1995 - 2004

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