Hidden Towers

Hardcore, Post-Rock from Vancouver BC
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Hidden Towers

Label: Indie
since circa 2009
Hidden Towers started in the spring of 2009, although the concept for this project has been in the works for almost a decade. Long time friends Chris Cantrell and Ben Holland have been searching for the perfect combination of members for years since the break up of their previous band The Unwelcoming Committee. This project had been put on the back burner a few times while Chris was fulfilling his guitar obligations with Vonnegut Dollhouse. Upon the break-up of Vonnegut Dollhouse, Chris and Ben made a commitment to put Hidden Towers together and recruited ex-Carpe Diem drummer Sean Bradey to complete the trio. The platform for Hidden Towers remains the same as the original vision created years ago: to create brutally-beautiful, surrealistic compositions over a canvas of complex rhythms. Hidden Towers draw their inspiration from metal, post-rock, jazz and world music. 2010 has been a eventful year for Hidden Towers. After winning CITR radio’s battle of the bands, Shindig 2009, the boys have played numerous shows in Vancouver, including Music Waste, a local music festival showcasing eclectic independent bands. This past year the band has been writing new material and have released their EP, Great Conjunctions, on itunes.
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Jakub Svoboda - Drums
200 - The End

Past Members

Shawn Allen - Duncan
? - 200
Sean Bradey
? - 200

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