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Vancouver-based clarinetist François Houle is one of Canada’s finest musicians. Also a composer and bandleader, Houle explores the many facets of modern music — from electronic manipulation to acoustic contemporary chamber music. He has performed with Marilyn Crispell, Dave Douglas, Benoit Delbecq, Evan Parker, Joelle Leandre, and the NOW Orchestra.Britain’s Evan Parker, soprano and tenor saxophone, is unquestionably one of the most original voices in contemporary music.Benoit Delbecq is a uniquely gifted French pianist/keyboardist who has created his own music using ideas and techniques from contemporary classical jazz, Pygmy polyphony, European improv, and other sources.The trio has a splendid recent release on PSI entitled La Lumiere de Pierres.

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Evan Parker
soprano and tenor saxophone
Benoit Delbecq

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