Jen Carnahan

Fusionary - the blending and weaving of styles from Nanaimo/Ladysmith BC
Age: 42 (estimated)
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Jen Carnahan
"Jen O. Syde/ J-Note"

Instruments: Bass, Guitar, Vocals, Composition/Songwriting, Harmonica details

•To put together a band of like-minded and dedicated musicians who would like to collaborate, write and record original material and work and tour full-time.

•Seeking musicians with
equal backgrounds in eclectic jam-styles where improvisation is key; as well as studio-tight, deliberate styles where arrangement is key


•Positive & Professional


•Open minded


•Team player

•Hard working



Vancouver Island University (Nanaimo)
Jazz Music program: Present

Vancouver Community College (Vancouver) Jazz and Contemporary music program: 2002-2003

Malaspina (Nanaimo) Jazz music program: 1999-2001


•Currently enrolled in full-time jazz studies, playing and performing in 2 ensembles

•Toured across Canada, playing professional bass in singer-songwriter Jenica Rayne's new age/folk/country group 'Rhythm & Rayne.'

•Teamed with percussionist/spoken word artist Tracy Myers for several events; including a unique gig featuring Miki Klaver (flute) and Juno winner Lillian Allen (dub/reggae vocalist), as well as an opening set for a stage production of "The Vagina Monologues."

•Played in several all-ages shows, 2 of which were successfully self-organized.

•Wide variety of performing and casual jamming experiences with a broad range of instrumentalists, vocalists and styles.

First began learning guitar in 1996; since then have had much playing experience, including 2 projects of my own where I played gtr, bass, and wrote material.

(From earliest to most recent)

1: 'Loser Riot A-Go-Go!!!' (social-political punk)
Other members: Dan "And" Rheault, Jen Heatley

2: 'Loud Silence' (ecclectic alt-rock)
Other members: Barry Campbell, Matt Kidd

3: 'Tiger Bomb' "a mysteriously enchanted grrl-fronted pop/punk/grunge band which to life, only inside a certain Poster City location, after store hours, once upon a time, in a land not so far way..."

4: 'Mourning Wood' (a 3rd generation reformation of 'Loud Silence,' leaning towards heavy blues-rock with metal/latin/funk influence...)
Other members: Barry Campbell, Andrew Rollins

5: 'Fast Jacket' (punk-informed retro-rock)
Other members: Troy Nixdorf, Scott Douglas, Ken Kempster

6: 'Die Poor' (Victoria street band and Logan's Pub Hootenanny favourite: rockabilly roots)
Other members: Justin Flett, Ian George

7: 'Plutonium Nighborg' (rockabilly punk)
A one-gig sideshow act wearing cyborg, alien and monster costumes...
Other members: Justin Flett, Emily Rhone

8: 'The Sarah Gardner Band' (R&B, Funk & Soul) Other members: Sarah Gardner, Duncan Symonds, Luke Nixon, Cam Wigmore, Josh Gellman

Community Events

Current Projects

Sarah Gardner Band
2009 - present
2009 - present
My Friend Jim
2008 - present

Past Projects

Die Poor
Fast Jacket
2006 - 2007
Mourning Wood
Frequency Fall
2002 - 2003
2001 - 2003
Rythm & Rayne
2000 - 2002
Tiger Bomb
Loud Silence
1998 - 1999
Loser Riot-A-Go-Go!!!
1998 - 1999

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