Jho Nek Bhone

from Victoria BC
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Jho Nek Bhone

Label: indie
Picture credit Daniel Chiaroscurist Sikorskyi.
An active band in Victoria and across the country from 1988- 1992 - released "Pelican at yer door" in 1990 and recorded with Marc Ramaer in 1992 at Vancouver Studios (now Greenhouse) - Marc Ramaer was Ben Mink's assistant on several projects including kd langs Ingenue and was onstage with Ben Mink and kd lang when she accepted her Grammy for Best Song of the year "Constant Craving" which Marc mixed. Members of Joh Nek Bhone included Mike Demers, guitar and vocals, Jolene Demers - keys and vocals and James Love , guitar and vocals - Mike and James have played with Nuvo Wavo since 2003 and each are working on their own cd recordings.
Broken Up

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Past Members

Mike Demers "Duke"
guitar and vocals
1988 - 1992
Jolene Demers
keys and vocals
1988 - 1992
James Love
guitar and vocals
1988 - 1992

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