Jillian Lebeck

from Vancouver BC
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Jillian Lebeck

A Vancouver native, jazz pianist/composer/vocalist Jillian Lebeck is one of the most dynamic and exciting voices on the West Coast Jazz scene. Her compositions are individualistic and innovative and her music style can be best described as modern mainstream jazz with ECM, pop, and classical influences. Some pieces are collective improvisations. Jillian Lebeck's group also performs material in original/jazz arrangements by artists like Neil Young, Ron Sexsmith, Rufus Wainwright, Joni Mitchell, Jacques Brel, Jesse Harris, Ani DiFranco, and Bjork.

Her debut recording "Living in Pieces" (Maximum Jazz/Universal) features Brad Turner, Jon Bentley, André Lachance, and Paul Townsend. Jillian has been the recipient of awards like the BMG Jazz Award, Yamaha Rising Star Award, The Fraser McPherson Scholarship for young instrumentalists, and was also awarded numerous scholarships to Berklee College of Music. Jillian Lebeck's Quartet were featured in CBC Radio's Studio One Jazz Series during the Vancouver International Jazz Festival and were also featured on CBC's "Hot Air", and "After Hours".

Most recently, Jillian and her group opened for legendary jazz saxophonist Joe Lovano at the Cent... show more
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