
Alternative from Vancouver BC
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Label: Independent
since circa 2005
"The playing was expert, not over indulged. Cudmore delivers a steady flow of conscious contemplations with an unaffected clarion like voice." -The Coast (Halifax)

"A+... it was the best show of the night." -Tangible Sounds (Toronto)

"#7 (top 10 shows of the year)... Language-Arts still get regular mention around the Rancho... when talking of year end lists." -Rancho Relaxo (Toronto)

"I was blown away and captivated." -NXEW (Vancouver)

"...for rarely are we treated to an act so unique and cutting edge." -24 Hours (Vancouver)

"Last night I fell in love with them... Score 1 for team Canada." -Much Music (Toronto)

"Imagine a female jungalist M-C wearing your Grandma's old cardigans." - TWS (Saskatoon)

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Current Lineup

Finn Vaughan
Double Bass
2004 - present
Matt Dawson
2004 - present
Max Myth
2004 - present
Kristen Cudmore
Guitar and MC
2005 - present
Gregor Phillips
2007 - present
Karma Sohn
Keys Vocals
2008 - present

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