matthew cayer

Rock from Victoria BC
Age: 42 (estimated)
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matthew cayer

Instruments: Guitar, Vocals, Bass, Piano/Keyboards details
Matthew Cayer was born and Raised on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada in a small town "Coombs". His musical background would began at the age of 12 where he attented band class in junior high. Matthew first played clarinet and shortly after switched to drums and would continue to play seriously until he was 19.
In 2006 Matthew would become the front man lead singer of the band "Zela's Hype" which was fromed in 2006 with His brother Michael Cayer on drums, Keegan Metheringham on lead guitar, and Bryan Templeman on bass. Matthew eventually taught himself guitar and learnt some tricks from Keegan as well as some piano to start composing songs for Zela's Hype. In 2007 Matthew enrolled into Vancouver Island University to pursue a Bachelor of Music in Jazz studies majoring in guitar and minor in piano. Being a singer he also was enrolled in vocal jazz where he began to really fine tune his vocal range and tambre. His passion for music comes straight from the heart and soul and it is defenetly expressed in his playing and stage presents.

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zelas hype
lead vox, keys guitar
2006 - present

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