Black Metal from Oslo Norway
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other sites: myspace | wikipedia



since circa 1984
Mayhem is a Norwegian black metal band that formed in 1984 in Oslo, Norway. They are regarded as one of the pioneers of the influential Norwegian black metal scene. Mayhem's career has been highly controversial, primarily due to the suicide of vocalist Per Yngve Ohlin, the murder of guitarist Øystein Aarseth by former band member Varg Vikernes of Burzum, and their violent stage performances.

Current Lineup

Attila Csihar
lead vocals
1984 - present
Unlinked Musician
1995 - present
Unlinked Musician
drums, percussion
1995 - present
Unlinked Musician
2008 - present
Unlinked Musician
2011 - present

Past Members

Unlinked Musician
1984 - 1991
Unlinked Musician
lead vocals
1984 - 1986
Unlinked Musician
1984 - 1993
Unlinked Musician
drums, percussion
1984 - 1988
Unlinked Musician
lead vocals
Unlinked Musician
lead vocals
1986 - 1988
Unlinked Musician
drums, percussion
1988 - 1993
Unlinked Musician
lead vocals
1988 - 1991
Kittil Kittilsen
lead vocals
Torben Grue
drums, percussion
Unlinked Musician
lead vocals, bass
Count Grishnackh
1992 - 1993
Unlinked Musician
1992 - 1993
Attila Csihar
lead vocals
1992 - 1993
Unlinked Musician
guitars, bass
1995 - 2008
Unlinked Musician
lead vocals
1995 - 2004
Unlinked Musician
1997 - 1998
Unlinked Musician
2009 - 2011
other sites: myspace | wikipedia

Community Events

Band Past Posters

Band Articles

Live Review: Black Metal Warfare Tour
Live Review: Mayhem, Watain and Revenge, The Rickshaw Theatre, Vancouver, Jan 26th 2015. Partnering the old guard with the new for a night of total aural devastation and devilish devotion, January 2015 sees the return of legendary Norwe...
Published by:
Author: Rich Taylor

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