Ndidi Cascade

hip hop, funk, reggae from Vancouver BC
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Ndidi Cascade

Ndidi Cascade is a Vancouver hip-hop MC who has blessed the same stage as Femi Kuti, Coco Brovas, Culture, K-os, Prevail, Kardinal Offishall, Choclair and Malcolm Jamal Warner.

This woman of Nigerian/Italian/ Irish descent has been captivating audiences with her remarkable stage presence, deep socio-political insight and tight flow since 1996.

She also facilitates youth workshops using hip-hop as a medium to deal with self-esteem, racism, sexism, and other social issues. She currently tours locally with the collective Triple Three and The Movement (including diva GREENTarA), as well as the powerful soul singer Deanna Teeple and visionary spoken word artist Emmanuel Adjei-Achampong.

She also works with the VanCity hip-hop artists Kia Kadiri and Shankhini of Wild Seed Records. Ndidi Cascade dedicates her music to the Divine Love and Light within all of us!
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