Profile Image: Nic Whitehouse

Nic Whitehouse

from Victoria BC
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Nic Whitehouse

Instruments: Guitar, Vocals details
Hi friends, my name is Nic. I have been in love with music my whole life, and have written hundreds of songs in the pursuit of that love. Music is catharsis. It distills moments of thought and feeling like no other medium, making us laugh and cry with the lyrics, chords, and melodies of its mighty ocean.

As well as writing my own, I adore learning and performing other people’s songs while giving them my own unique spin. My love of music spans genres and decades, making my performances to be eclectic and enjoyable for any audience.

Thank you for taking the time to experience my musical journey. Much love to you and yours on our spins around the sun.

Oh, and everything is a wave.

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20:00 22:30
20:00 22:30

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Vox/Rhythm Guitar
2005 - The End

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