Peggy Lee Band

from Vancouver BC
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Peggy Lee Band

The magnificent cellist Peggy Lee has made a significant impact on Vancouver’s deep and exciting contemporary music scene. Her outstanding group performs her highly original compositions. In a review of the band, the Georgia Straight writes, “Her melodies slide in and out of abstraction; skewed marches butt up against folksongs; chamber-music niceties crumble under the assault of funk and psychedelia.” The band has three CDs: a self-titled debut release, the follow-up Sounds from the Big House (Spool), and 2004’s Worlds Apart (Spool). With Brad Turner trumpet, Jeremy Berkman trombone, Ron Samworth guitar, André Lachance bass, Dylan van der Schyff drums.

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Peggy Lee
Jeremy Berkman
Ron Samworth
Brad Turner
Ron Samworth

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