Profile Image: Prism (Vancouver)

Prism (Vancouver)

from Vancouver BC
other sites: canadianbands


Prism (Vancouver)

since circa 1977
L-R Lindsey Mitchell, Rocket Norton Ron Tabak, Al Harlow and John Hall
*Prism began as an amalgamation of two Vancouver bands. In the late 1960s, "Seeds of Time" formed the basis for what would become the Prism lineup, while other key players who shaped Prism came from the early '70s Vancouver jazz band "Sunshyne", yielding trumpeter-producer Bruce Fairbairn plus songwriter & multi-instrumentalist Jim Vallance.
The Seeds of Time’s bad-boy image was evinced in a regional hit single on the Coast label, "My Home Town" in 1969, with a follow-up single "Cryin' the Blues" scoring modest success in an infant Canadian music market. Ten years later bandmates Lindsay Mitchell, John Hall, Al Harlow and Rocket Norton would find themselves together again, riding international charts as Prism.
But the discovery of vocalist Ron Tabak, recruited from the local scene for a recording session with Fairbairn, Mitchell and Vallance in July 1975 was the magic ingredient for the synergy that became Prism. Ron’s voice had a unique brilliance and stunning high range. While that first session was a loose experiment in jazz, R&B and rock, one Jim Vallance song, "Open Soul Surgery" stood above the rest, becoming the template for the future Prism style, and vehicle for Tabak’s vocal range. *From the website
Available for Shows/Gigs
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Current Lineup

Frank Baker
Ab Bryant
John Counsel
Jim Vallance
Tom Keenlyside
Tom Lavin
Steve Soucy
Dave Stone
John Hall
1977 - present
Allen Horowitz "Al Harlow"
1977 - present
Gary Grace
2003 - present
Marc Gladstone
2010 - present
Tad Goddard
2010 - present

Past Members

Lindsay Mitchell
1977 - 2005
Ronald John Tabak "Ron Tabak"
Lead Vocals
1977 - 1981
Gary Wanstall "Rocket Norton"
1977 - 1997
Henry Small
Lead Vocals/Violin
1981 - 1982
Darcy Deutsch
Lead Vocals
1988 - 2003
Andy Lorimer
1988 - 1996
Richard Sera
1991 - 1992
John Cody
1992 - 1996

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