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Used to book Pat's Pub in Vancouver, BC and various venues in Victoria, BC.

We're nice people, but we're desperately prejudiced towards music that we like... Therefore, if you play rap/metal fusion, hippy music that doesn't reference the Velvet Underground thematically, Nickelback-derived rock, we probably won't put on a show for you. We're not as ignorant as to suggest that we won't like you as people or anything like that, we're just kinda particular...

Music we like: blips and bleeps, modpop, post-hardcore (some of it and the closely related genre, postcard-core), post-rock (some of it), psych (NO TOOL COVER BANDS), garage, French chanteuse/chanteur beat bands, punk, baroque chamber pop, new-wave, indie rock, no wave, disco punk, power pop, and a ton of other buzzword genres... Record Label / Artist Management Show Booking / Promotion

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