Musart Cultural Society

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Musart Cultural Society

1046 Deep Cove Road North Vancouver BC

Musart is a non-profit cultural society for the arts. Since 1992, its purpose as a society has been to create opportunity and exposure for local Lower Mainland artists, musicians, dancers and poets with a focus on the North Shore community. Musart also provides promotion for educational arts programs such as acting, theatre, and music summer camps for children and young adults.

Company Overview:

Musart Cultural Society was established in 1992 to govern over the infamous jazz club, The Glass Slipper, that unfortunately burned down in January 1997. In the fall of 1997, Tyler Pearson took over the Musart Cultural Society to govern over the annual community festival Deep Cove Daze and to continue it's mandate to provide opportunity and exposure for artists in the community.

In the spring of 1998, Tyler found the first funding to hire a coordinator to work on the festival. Jeff Maynard was the first coordinator. He approached Tyler with the idea to put on a series of concerts at Cates Park leading up to Deep Cove Daze. With lots of enthusiasm and little funding, The Cates Park Concert Series was born to support local original music.

Both Deep Cove Daze and The Cates Park Concert Series have now been running under the direction of Tyler Pearson and the Musart Cultural Society for 19 years.
Open / Operational
Music Society (Non-Profit) Show Booking / Promotion Music Venue

Venue Specs

Venue Formatoutdoor
Liquor LicenseNone
Has StageYes
Has Sound / LightingYes

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Address1046 Deep Cove Road

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