Seventh Image

Industrial from Vancouver BC
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Seventh Image

Industrial is not what it once was; gone are the ugly sounds of ruinous nihilistic rage, replaced by prefabricated sterility. While the atavistic gyrate to a covenant of tepid unoriginality, the rotting corpse of the past proves to be a fertile spawning ground for the blackened faithful of the future; those who would carry high the banner of mechanized destruction, visions of murder in their eyes. Burnt into the retina, the Seventh Image. A project that fuses multiple approaches to electronic music... Call it industrial, call it chromatic metal, all that matters is the focused dissonance and voracious fury of the sound. At a time when the vapid are praised, Seventh Image relentlessly bludgeons the psyche with anger and spite- Cold. Hard. Digital black.
Broken Up

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21:00 02:00

Last Lineup

Andrew Amy
Russel Manten

Past Members

Adam Johnson
? - 2005
Matthew Sheppard
? - 2005

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