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Ivan Penaluna, UK Spoken Word Artist & Humorist @ THUNDERING WORD HEARD: Ivan Pe...

Sun. September 12th 2004 Cafe Montmartre Vancouver BC

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Ivan Penaluna, UK Spoken Word Artist & Humorist @ THUNDERING WORD HEARD: Ivan Penaluna, T.Paul Ste. Marie

sunday september 12 2004 t h u n d e r i n g w o r d h e a r d features ...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sun. September 12th 2004 + Add to Calendar Cafe Montmartre (All Ages)
8:00pm - 4:00pm


Ivan Penaluna
Spoken Word, Comedy from Vancouver BC
T.Paul Ste. Marie
T.PAUL STE. MARIE * emcee, host, performer from Vancouver BC

Presented by:

3516 Main St., Van., B.C. V5V 3N3 Vancouver BC
t h u n d e r i n g w o r d h e a r d is a spoken word/...
4362 Main St. Vancouver BC

Event Description

sunday september 12 2004

t h u n d e r i n g w o r d h e a r d

UK spoken word artist & humorist

i v a n p e n a l u n a

Ivan Penaluna

had a glittering career in the Intelligence Services ahead of him until a scandal involving a girl with a bare botty in a Bogota hotel ended it abruptly. Since then he has been travelling around the world telling of international espionage for sometimes the price of a large brandy. Oh- how the mighty fall…

t h u n d e r i n g w o r d h e a r d
is a spoken word/music fusion open mic series

*3 time winner of the WestEnder's best in the west award for BEST OPEN MIC – 2001-03*

WHEN: Every Sunday – open mic artists sign up at
8PM sign up – show at 9PM
WHERE: Café Montmartre, 4362 Main St., Vancou... show more


Cafe Montmartre
4362 Main St. (@ Main & 28th)

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