On the heels of Samhain and following the departure of Harry Houdini, join us for an evening of Magick & the Arcane at the Victoria Odd Fellows Hall.
Beyond Belief Paranormal Events is a local investigation team on the quest to find and make contact with those of us that have passed through the veil, never to return. They are talented, skilled and well versed in the many ways to contact the deceased and have connected with many ethereal individuals across the Island. On November 1st they will lead us through the classic table tipping technique as well as other traditional means of communicating with the dead.
The Great Giffoni is a local Victoria Illusionist and practitioner of devious suggestion with a unique flair all to his own. He will entrance, distract and fascinate, yet leaving you enamoured with the experience.
L.L is a local musician and follower of the esoteric. Part performance art, part music, a waking dream that leaves you questioning if it was all merely your imagination.
Arrive early to be seated comfortably; the door will only be open from 7:30-8pm, after which it will be locked.
This is a cravate noire event out of respect for the spirits
Suggested donation of $5
Proceeds go to Vocal Victoria to help aid our familiars, our little warm hairy ones with Vet bills.
For physical events that happen at a specific time. For example a concert, or dance performance. If there are multiple shows, you can still duplicate your event to cover them all.