NO BULL SHIT HALLOWEEN w/ prizes for BEST + WORST costume --Too Busy to make a decent costume? – we don’t care – come get drunk anyways!: CATWATER, Uncle Nestor
Same Costume as Last year? – So what!
Costume look ho...
Same Costume as Last year? – So what!
Costume look homemade? – you’re not alone!
Too Busy to make a decent costume? – we don’t care – come get drunk anyways!
This is one Halloween party you don’t have to give a shit about – The point is hassle free good times – Wear a costume or don’t – just come drink a lot of Beer! (Shitty costumes welcome)
The New Scene brings you a night of sensory stimulation with Live Music by Cat Water with Uncle Nester – notorious rhythm makers will make your ass move – or you get your money back – NOT!
$5 gets you down and dirty at The Crab (Cover and entrance into the Best and Worst Costume Contest) – No keener bullshit
Cat Water with Uncle Nester – Saturday Oct. 29th 2005
Vancouver’s best blue grass group ; the 7 piece Cat Water hit the stage at the infamous Purple Crab with the up and coming Rock-a-billie trio ,Uncle Nester. Having just released a full length album last week and video play time in the upcoming months on Much Music, Uncle Nester is truly a rising star in Vancouver. These two bands coupled together are sure to be a donkey kick of a good time for all present.
The Purple Crab 3916 Main Street & 23rd
See you all there,
Tristan Johnson
The New Scene
(604) 773-5871
Purple Crab
3916 Main Street
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