Sons of Nova

Forest Rock from Victoria BC
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Sons of Nova

Label: Indie
since circa 2010
Sons of Nova

Q)Who are you?
A)A rock band from Victoria, B.C.

Q)How did the band form?
A)I (C. Vandal) was looking for some people to jam with and I already knew Rex and had been in a band with him so we formed a group called Hartless with J.Love, Aram and Adam. We won a local battle of the bands with that band in late 2009 but shortly afterward our singer left the band and we became a 4 piece.

Q)How would you describe your sound?
A)Metal Robot Disco

Q)What are your long term goals?
A)Success or at least one hell of a good time trying.
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Community Events

22:00 01:00

Current Lineup

Codine Vandal
Lead Guitar/Vox
2010 - present
Aram Heinze
Lead Bass/Vox
2010 - present
Adam Griffiths
Lead Drums
2010 - present
Rex Gielfeldt
Lead Rhythm Guitar/Vox
2010 - present

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