Starlet Harlots Burlesque

Burlesque from Vancouver BC
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Starlet Harlots Burlesque

since circa 2007
The Starlet Harlots are a Burlesque Collective, with a line up of talented performers each with their own unique style and interpretation of the art of Burlesque. They strive for originality and quality making each act a celebration of their chosen style. Comedy, Theatre and Dance are all incorporated to make this nostalgic entertainment form available for a modern audience. From the Vampy Starlet of film noir to the Shameless Harlot of the rock and roll floor, we have it all. This much classy, that much trashy...
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Lola Frost
Burlesque Performer / Producer
2007 - The End
Farrah Moans
Burlesque Performer / Producer
2007 - The End
Lady Villainy
Burlesque Performer / Producer
2007 - The End
Miss Via Rose
Burlesque Performer / Producer
2007 - The End
Stella Starlet
Costumes, Merch, Production, Stage Manager
2007 - The End
Sunset Starlet
Pick-up artist, Production, all around Awesomeness
2007 - The End

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