
from Victoria BC
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Label: Independant
since circa 2009
Sunhawk -- an electrifying, high energy three-piece hailing from Victoria, BC exploded onto the island rock scene in early 2010. The trio expertly blends soaring harmonies, electronic keyboards and 70's-esque guitar riffs against a backdrop of powerful, dance-inducing drumming.

Childhood friends Keenan Murray (drums), Matt Longpre (vocals, keyboards, bass, guitar) and Ben Robertson (vocals, guitar, bass) seamlessly switch instruments song to song, constantly pushing the limits of how much sound three people can deliver on stage.

In March 2011 the band released their debut EP entitled "And So It Was" to a sold out crowd at Victoria's Lucky Bar. The album was entirely written, recorded, mixed, and distributed by Sunhawk.

In summer 2011 the band released its debut music video for a single called "Shotgun Love", which was filmed at Club 9ONE9 in Victoria. In September 2011, Sunhawk performed at Royal Athletic Park as a part of Victoria's Rifflandia Festival, sharing a venue with the likes of Mother Mother, Cold War Kids, Broken Social Scene and City and Colour.

With an array of new tunes set to be released in 2012, Sunhawk is a band to keep a close eye on.

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Current Lineup

Keenan Murray
2009 - present
Ben Robertson
2009 - present
Matt Longpre
2009 - present

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