from Los Angeles California
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TERROR is one of the hardest working bands B9 has ever seen. After their self released 4 song demo CD started circulating, Terror became one of the most talked about bands out there. While they did have Scott Vogel of Buried Alive on vocals and Todd Jones of Carry On on guitar, nothing was just given to these guys, they worked their ass off for every opportunity they have had. Soon after the 4 song demo surfaced, they released a 2 song, one sided 7" on Takeover Records. Several tours later Terror agreed to sign to Bridge Nine, and went into the studio (Mars in Cleveland) to record their 9 song EP titled "Lowest Of The Low". The CD was released officially in January of 2003, and in support of that, Terror has toured the US several times, played all of the summer fests, and toured Europe with Biohazard. A full slate of touring is planned for the rest of 2003 (including Japan), and the band should be going into the studio in December to record their forthcoming full length effort for Bridge Nine. If you haven't seen these guys yet, check out the videos in the media section - they are an undeniable force in todays hardcore scene.

Community Events

Current Lineup

Nick Jett

Past Members

Carl Schwartz
? - 200
Frank Novinec
? - 200
Doug Weber
? - 200

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