The BaDD HaBBiTs

RollRock-Sicle from Vancouver BC
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The BaDD HaBBiTs

Label: Independant
since circa 2006
With Massimo Sabatini on vocals, Brent Grassie on Guitar, Sean Lofvendahl on bass and Anthony Tam on drums, there is no denying that this band creates a purely original and energetic sound. The BaDD HaBBiT’s are a band with passion and purpose, mixing hook-laden rock sounds of the seventies with the feel good ‘get off your ass and dance’ funk grooves of today. The BaDD HaBBiT’s want to reach people and share their addictive gift of music, songs that tell stories about positive chi, keeping it tight and living life to its fullest.

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Current Lineup

Wayne Kaski
Sean Lofvendahl
Bass Guitar
Anthony Tam

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